Mac Update broke my Git configuration!?
Alright so I’ll be the first to admit that I lag like a mofo on updating my OS. That’s mostly because the updates ALWAYS come when I’m in the middle of a project that I can’t set aside. Since there is no real way to mitigate that, other than stalking release dates (pssssshhh) … I’m just sort of rolling with it.
So keeping with the trend of lagging like a mofo on updating my OS — the most recent Mojave update kinda kicked my butt. Ok not really, but it DID reset my desktop images to defaults repeatedly (annoying!) and more importantly – the update misconfigured git on one of my machines.

What the F, Apple?
Luckily the fix for this
error is pretty strait forward if you can command line. Just run this command on your local machine: "xcrun: error: invalid active developer path, missing xcrun at:"
xcode-select --install
If that doesn’t work, try this one:
xcode-select --reset
Luckily, the –install flag worked for me. Yay!

I just wanted to pass this on for other Mac + Git users who may have encountered this error. Also, thank you to the nerds who shared this info 2 years ago on message boards so others can find it. This error is like a ghost that has come back to haunt……. only me apparently.
Edit 10/23/19: This happened *again* on my other machine with the most recent Mac OS update. Sheesh! Glad I posted this article so I could then go back and use it. lol. =^__^=

One more thing. The error has served as a reminder that when things (and people) SEEM broken – they are not truly broken. There is no broken. There is only temporary misconfiguration. Tell your friends.